Ethnic Minority Groups of Guangxi Zhuang AR :
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Capital of Guangxi Zhuang AR - Nanning
Surface Area / Size - Area: over ***** Sq. Km (***** Sq. Miles).
Population - 44 Million 830.000
Major Cities :
Nanning, Guilin.
Nanning - International Airport
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A Full and complete Map of China (PRC) identifying all Language Areas big and small in all Provinces and Autonomous Regions of China.
Map includes Turkic Languages (Uygur, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Salar & Uzbek), Mongolian Language and Sub-Divisions (Mongol, Tu, Daur and Dongxian), Tungusic Peoples (Oroqen, Evenki and Xibe) and Languages, Korean, Tajik (Tadzhik), Mon-Khmer (Kawa + Puman (or Pulang)), Hui, Uygur (Uighur), Tibeto-Bhurman Languages, Tai and Miao, Yao and She' Language Area's and Borders. Main Area's and sub-divisions of Han Languages (Northern Mandarin, Eastern Mandarin, South-Western Mandarin and Cantonese) further included. This color-coded ethno-linguistic Map (of 1967 AD) identifies at a glance most ethnic minority regions in China
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Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is located in the extreme south of the Peoples Republic of China.
Guangxi Zhuang is a border Province its large territory neighbored in the South by Vietnam and Laos.
Bordering Provinces and Regions of China are clock-wise around Yunnan Province in the West, Guizhou Province in the North-West, Hunan Province in the North-East, and finally the coastal Province of Guangdong in the East.

Surface Area rank:

Topographically - No additional information available.
Main Rivers and Waterways of Jiangsu Province :
Main Cities & Population Centres of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region :
Main Railways and Highways in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region :
Economy of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region :
Climate in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China :
Much more famous than the Capital Nanning, are the cities of Guilin and the slighlty smaller Yangshuo, nearby to the South. With the Li River and Yulong River as a backdrop, these are counted as the scenic jewels of the Autonomous Region.
Many lesser historic sites, equally worthwhile are dispersed around the territory of Guangxi Zhuang.
Don✧t miss out on the old town of Daxu.
A must visit are the many underground cave systems hidden underneath the region. A cave tour can also provide a well deserved break from the moisture and heat of a Guangxi Zhuang Summer.

No information available at this time.
No information available at this time.
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is a mountain and high-plateaux region, and mountainous areas and plateau make up 94% of its total area.

Guangxi Zhuang possesses lofty mountains , deep valleys and torrential rivers , and is inhabited by more than 20 nationalities with different customs. The enormous diversity of the Province, both in cultures and sceneries, forms the basis and tourist industry.
No information available at this time.
Xijiang River system consisting of several streams, among which the Beipan and Nanpan Rivers, the Rong and Long Rivers, as well as the You and Zuo Rivers.
The main river within Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is the Li River, for which the region is famous. The Yulong River flows into the the Li River near Yangshuo. The confluence of both rivers is a famous scenic zone and tourism area well fit for boating, rafting, bicylcing and hiking.

In the South Guangxi Zhuang has a short strip of coastline bordering on the Gulf of Tonkin.
The main cities within Guangxi AR are the Capital of Nanning, Liuzhou, the scenic city of Guilin a tourist magnet, and as a last the city of Beihai on the Southern Coast. Beihai is also the most important harbor city in Guangxi Zhuang.
Major coastal ports are Beihai, Qinzhou on the Leizhou Peninsula, and the port of Fangchenggang. These also function as gateways to the Island province of Hainan.
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has many ethnic groups and tribes. The majority are the Zhuang. Others are Dong.

There is no further information available on the ethnic minorities of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
Soundbonus - Traditional Chinese Pipa - "Romance of the Red River Valley'. By Liu Fang.
No information available at this time.
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