The inlaid bed screen and exquisite furniture of the Inner Rooms of the Chang Chun Palace. Originally built during the Ming Dynasty but renovated and reconstructed during the Ching Dynasty, the Palace of Eternal spring was the Home of the Imperial Concubines.
The Official schematic Map of The Forbidden City, by The Palace Museum.
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Satellite Overview of Yi Kung Gong and adjacent Chang Chun Gong and surrounding area of the Palace Museum
Satellite Overview of Six Western Palaces and surrounding area of the Palace Museum (Gugong).
During the (lenghty) Celebrations to celebrate her 50Th Birthday, the Empress-Dowager Hsu Tzi ("Cixi") had a grand peking opera staged in the Palace for her enjoyment. The Courtyard and Hallway walls of the Palace of Eternal Spring are lined with magnificent scenes from the Famous Chinese Novel "A Dream of Red Mansion". The Multitude of scenes from the story-line of this chinese classic, albeit now fading with time, add a romantic and colorful touch to this already lavishly decorated Palace.
This page was last updated on: June 26, 2017
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