Diplomatic representation of DPRK (North Korea) in the European Union (E.U.)
Embassy of North Korea in Austria :
Visiting Address : Beckmanngasse No. 10 to 12, Vienna.
ZIP Code: 1140
Telephone: 0043-1-894 2313 0r 894 2311
Telefax: 0043-1-894 3974
E-Mail: d.v.r.korea.botschaft@chello.at
This Embassy also serves Hungary.
Embassy of North Korea in Bulgaria :
Residency Number 4, Andrei Sacharov Boulevard, Mladost No.1, Sofia, Bulgaria.
ZIP Code : 1784
Telephone: (+359-2) 9753340 0r 9746100
Telefax: (+359-2) 97 455 67 0r 9746 111
This Embassy also serves the Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.
Embassy of North Korea in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic:
Visiting Address : Nazatorse 6-89, Praha (Prague), Czech Republic.
ZIP Code : 16000
Telephone : (+420-22) 4320 783
Telefax : (+3420-22) 431 88 17
Embassy of North Korea in France :
Neuilly-sur-Seine, a satellite city of Paris.
Visiting Address :No, 47, Rue Chauveau
ZIP Code: 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.
Telephone : (0033) 01-4747 5385
Fax No : (0033) 01-4747 6141
Embassy of North Korea in Italy :
Visiting Address : No.23, Via Ludovico Di Savoia, Roma, Italia.
ZIP Code: 00185.
Telephone : (0039-6) 7720 9094
Fax No : (0039-6) 7720 9111
E-Mail : permerepun@hotmail.com
Embassy of North Korea in Poland :
Visiting Address : Ul. Zwolezer Av No.6, Warsaw, Poland.
ZIP Code : 00-466
Telephone : (0048-22) 559 2900
Fax No : (0048-22) 559 2905
E-Mail : Koremb_waw@mofat.go.kr
Embassy of North Korea in Romania :
Visiting Address :SOS Nordului No.6, Sector 1, Bucharesti, Romania
Telephone : (0040-21) 232 9665
Fax No : (0040-21) 232 9665
Embassy of North Korea to the Republic of San Marino (in Rome, Italy) :
Visiting Address : Viale Dell' Esperanto No.26, Roma, Italia.
ZIP Code: 00144
Telephone : (0039-06) 5422 0749
Fax No : (0039-06) 5421 0090
Embassy of North Korea in the United Kingdom (UK) :
Visiting Address :No, 73, Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing, West London, UK.
ZIP Code: W5 4LP
Telephone : (0044-20) 899 24 965
Fax No : (0044-20) 899 220 53