This Map clearly show the lay-out of Beiping - The Northern Capital (as Beijing was called at the Time), in 1912 AD, just after the End of the Qing-Dynasty and the 1911 AD Xinghai Revolution that overturned the 2000 Year Old Feudal Tradition. De-throned Emperor Pu Yi still inhabited The Imperial Palace, outside Beijing was modernizing and China was experiencing the industrial Revolution.
Among the most noteworthy features of this Map are: 1) The QianMen Railway Station, at the Time the First and Main Railroad Station of Beijing.
2) The small railway station outside and West of XizhiMen Gate, built in 1905 AD and diverting the Central Watersupply of Beijing underground. Today Xizhimen Station is Beijing North Station.
3) The Imperial City and the smaller TiananMen Square of 1912 AD. This Map is one of the Few maps that shows the Pre'-Revolutionary Lay-out of Tian'AnMen Square including the demolished ZhonghuaMen (now Mao Zedong Mausoleum) giving details on the functions of (government) buildings along both sides of the Square. Further on this Map, Peking University ("Beida") due East of Jingshan, the new University Campus north-west of Deshengmen, the Location of "The Legations" of Colonial Nations and finally the location of the Beijing Hotel, first International Hotel built in the City in 1900 AD.
Clearly visable on this Map from the year 1912 are the Feng Shui-important Central City Axis with from South to North : YongDingMen , QianMen , TiananMen, WuMen, The Dragon Throne, Coal Hill and Drum- and Bell-Towers. All other former Gates, ancient landmarks and temples are marked on the Map.
XiCheng and DongCheng were part of the Inner City, the Southern Districts were considered outside the Imperial Capital City proper, as they lay south of Qian Men, the Front Gate. Both Chongwen and Xuanwu were brought inside the protection of a City Wall and Moat, during the early Qing Dynasty Years.
Introduction to Map Beijing (Beiping) City & Environs in 1912 AD